No Right Clicks


Thursday, February 7, 2013

DFW Baby Photographer

It's Baby Smash Cake time again!! Ellie Sapio turned one this past week, so we got to do one of my favorite things in the world...a Smash Cake Session.  One Year Old Baby Photography Sessions are some of my very favorite, but especially when it is one of my favorite little people.  Eliana is a little slice of awesome!

Some babies take the eat every morsel approach.  Ellie favored the popular finger painting option.  

Whatever babies do with their cake it is adorable.  

Smash Cake Images are my favorite way to capture the One Year milestone.

I find my self wondering when I am taking an image like this, "Are my clients going to think I suck or be mad because I've just cropped their babies head out of this image?"

Oh well.  Perhaps, but they are still some of MY favorite images.  Not sure why...just seems even sweeter for some reason.

Who doesn't like baby bum's? (Unless it's your turn to change them of course!)

...and why does crawling in a tu tu make me so happy?  "These are a few of my favorite things." 

...and even the back of your head is so adorable, I feel like I better capture that too!

The obligatory "It's my party, I can cry if I want to!"

I often get asked how I can do what I do.  Even during this shoot Ellie's Mom, Melissa, voiced that wonderment.  I understand the sentiment, because I feel that way about teachers.  I thank God for teachers every day, because I know I do not have what it takes to do what they do.  ...but what I do?  Sure it takes a fair amount of patience when babies and kids, and sometimes even adults don't want to follow directions; But then something amazing happens, like Ellie decides to take her first consecutive steps right there in my studio, and I'm thinking "What's the opposite of FML?"
It brings me great joy to be able to capture some of the happiest moments in peoples lives.  My life is Awesome.  Thanks for sharing it with me. 

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