No Right Clicks


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Frisco Newborn Photographer

I'm running way behind on blogging.  I have had too many sessions to have the time to blog about them, but I couldn't resist sharing this one.  I had a newborn photography session last weekend with the Giglio's.  Here is first time Mom Nicole with her new little angel Asher.

Nicole is a real natural of a Mother from Go.  No new Mommy awkwardness at all!  She is a pro already!

And Asher was perfect during this photo shoot.  He didn't always want to cooperate necessarily, but he was sweet and happy the whole time.  I only caught one image of him being sad.

Here's new Dad Damian and his little football.  This family is so photogenic it is kind of unfair for the rest of us!

This is the only image I caught of Asher being sad.  Pretty unusual for a newborn photo session.  Normally lot's of crying going on.

Love this one where he and his Dad are checking each other out.  Adorable little family.  Congratulations you guys!  

In this one he seems a little serious.  Not sure if he is mad or concentrating, but he definitely had something on his little eight day old brain.  Just wait till he can share that with ya' Mom!

Love the little leg warmers.  Favorite baby outfit for a boy yet.

I like Asher's hand in the back ground of this image.  Looks like he's saying "Oh, what are they doing to me now?"  Being a week old is rough, huh buddy?

This may be one of my favorite newborn images ever!  It took almost an hour to get this shot.  Asher did not want me moving him where I wanted him.  I usually suggest newborn sessions be in the first 10 days.  That way babies let you manipulate them the way you want them, they sleep a lot, and their skin hasn't broken out yet.  Asher was the exception.  He did not want to pull his head off of his chest.  He desperately wanted to stay curled up. After pulling him around on my bean bag for almost an hour, he finally gave in...and unbelievably gave me a smile!  That almost never happens during a newborn shoot. Newborns rarely smile, and to happen to have the camera pointed at them in the position you want at the time is crazy rare!  Thanks Asher!  You are a doll.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Frisco Family Photographer

Believe it or not people are still out doing photo shoots in this heat!  I got to do a shoot of my friend Mayra and her gorgeous family this past weekend, and we were not the only ones out there shooting.  It was a scorcher, but you would never know by looking at them.  If you would have pointed the camera at me, I looked like a wet rat!  Good thing I stay behind the camera!

Mayra and Rolando.  The heat clearly makes them happy, while turning others perfectly insane!

See?  They wear it well.  This could have been a red carpet event!
I'm dripping buckets, and they have this beautiful glow.

I love this image.  The combination of their glowing brown skin, black hair, and blue sky...perfect!  Love the contrast.  They look like the cover of Frisco Family Magazine.  Is there such a thing?  (Perhaps I should publish.)

This is Mayra's oldest, Josette.  If she is not modeling, she should be!  Always a pleasure to have a subject that is a natural.

This is Mayra's son, Eric.  He was a little more shy that his sister, but we had a lot of fun on this shoot.  You would not expect a teenager to be a good sport in a 100 degree photo shoot, but he was awesome!

I like this shot, because I think it really captures Mayra's life...she is Frisco!

Beautiful family!

Mayra and Rolondo again.

I had to make them freeze this kiss for a long time to catch this shot just right.  I told them this is what it is like when I shoot peoples weddings.  If the sun is just right, you have to kiss, and stay there for a few minutes to make sure the light is captured just right.  I think the outcome is worth the trouble, and I don't usually get too many complaints!  

This was an awesome family portrait session!  Thank you guys for being such great sports, and I will let you know when the rest of the images are up on my website.  :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Frisco Family Photographer

I got to shoot 6 of my favorite people in the world during a family photography session in my studio in Frisco this weekend.  The Ehmke's where ready for an updated family portrait since the kids have grown so much since their last session.  

We chose to do an indoor shoot because we were shooting in the middle of the day during a week with highs around 105!  Despite the indoor shoot, we were all a little warm.  When the lights start going off in the studio, it heats up pretty fast.

Here are 4 of the coolest kids on the planet!  From left: Tony, Sam, Kate & Bo.  Their parents are definitely doing something right.  I'm excited to see the impact they make as young adults.

I love how this image turned out to look so geometric.  Looks like a family kaleidoscope!

Some good looking boys!

Here we spelled out EHMKE.  Thought it might make for a cool finished product.  The world is blessed to have the Ehmke's, and I'm honored to get to call them my friends.  That was a fun family session guys...even in spite of the heat.  Thanks for trusting me to capture your memories!  :)

Oh my gosh!  I was editing the rest of this family portrait session, and ran across this image.  I love it!  How funny is that?  Priceless.  It really captures everybody's personalities, and that is one of my favorite things about what I do.